Interesting facts about HTTP

HTTP - The simple transmission protocol

An important promise we make with our Tecomon® technology is future-proof connectivity. By using the HTTP standard, we offer high compatibility. But what is HTTP?

When you look at a website address, it says http:// in front. HTTP stands for "Hypertext Transfer Protocol." Without the protocol you would not be able to access a web page, because the most important use of HTTP is to display web pages. So, together with other building blocks, HTTP forms the basis for the World Wide Web (www.).

How does HTTP work?

HTTP is a so-called client-server principle. To access a website, the browser (client) sends a request (HTTP request) to the server. The server then searches for the appropriate file using the URL. After it has found the file, the server processes the request with a response message and sends the file to the browser. Your browser thus communicates with the web server via HTTP.

In very simplified terms, the user types a URL into the browser. The browser then asks the server for the file. The server then sends the desired file back as a response and the browser can display the web page.

Schematische Darstellung der Funktionsweise des http-Protokolls
Illustration of how HTTP works

In our explanation, it is assumed that the server always returns a file. However, this is not true. It does not find the right file for every URL and may have to return an error. The most known error is "404 Not Found". This tells the client that the file it is looking for does not exist. The reason for this can be typing errors in the URL or outdated links.

Application of HTTP

Originally, the HTTP protocol was used to request documents from a web server. Today there are numerous other uses. All kinds of media, such as images and videos, can be requested through the protocol. HTTP is also used to load updates, access databases or for machine-to-machine communication.

Difference to HTTPS

HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It is the encrypted variant of the HTTP protocol. HTTPS was therefore developed to make the web and data exchange more anonymous and secure. HTTP is a stateless protocol that does not store any session information. Browsers thus constantly receive new copies of the web pages from the servers.  In addition to HTTPS, there are other security standards that we also work with at Tecomon®. Examples of these are SSL and TLS.

Your head is buzzing with technical terms and you are wondering what is behind all the other terms like HTML, URL, SSL and TLS? Then stay tuned. We regularly provide you with knowledge and help you find your way through the jungle of technology.